Wednesday, February 23, 2005


I may not be as experienced nor have seen as much of the world as you, I am no longer the little girl that you carried.

You say I don't know what I'm talking about and claim the world is not as it looks and people are not as they seem but Ba, you don't seem to get that I am not as ignorant, naive nor as innocent as you would have it. I have seen many things that you will never see. Do not belittle me for my age for though you claim to know what's best you will never truly know me.

Just because I have not gone through wars, famine or other hardships, does not make my struggles any less difficult. You say I have it easy. I agree that I am blessed with many things that were not possible for you in your youth but you fail to grasp that with a new age new struggles arise. I am not as weak as you may think. I have dealt with my own problems and survived. Some you have yet to discover that have come close to destroying me.

You are hiding behind your indifference and set traditional ways, that it's stifling me. It hurts me Ba, to see your disapproval, but not everyone is cut out to be a lawyer or a doctor. I am not intellectual. I love the outdoors and the physical work. I'm sorry if I don't live up to your expectations. You've lived your life. Let me live mine. I only ask for your guidance not your control. Forgive me for my shortcomings Ba.

For as much as I love you,
I'm not perfect.

12:38 am