Friday, June 03, 2005

I realized now how annoying it is when someone always tells you that you shouldn't do this or that. It is amazingly incredibly annoying.

When I mention that I would like to go on another bike trip like the one I went on in Grade 11. I'm told that I shouldn't because sitting on that bike seat is bad for a girl because on a long trip sweat and stuff builds up and increases the risk of getting yeast infection and for a guy it is much like him getting the dirty if you know what I mean.

Then I mention that I liked when I was in track and would like to start jogging she tells me that it's bad for me. That it screws up the back. (PAH, Only if you jog like an ass)

Then I say I want to learn to skateboard and she tells me not to just because.

Then I would like to snowboard and she tells me not to do that because it's dangerous.

Then she tells me I should wear make-up and dress nicer.

AUGHHHH, and my other friend probably wonders why I don't like hanging out with this particular person. Now if you read this....this is one of the reasons why. Is it me or is she trying to turn me into her or something? My gawd. Not that I would listen to her anyway but it pisses me off when people blatantly tells me what to do all the time.

First of all I like biking, and I don't know what a guy thinks when he bikes but personally I think yeast infection is from yeast and if you have it, you were probably doing something wrong in the first place.

When you're on one of those trips you stop frequently and I don't know how much you sweat but on those trips you are usually against the wind so you don't build up a waterfall unless you are wearing plastic or something or if you are in the desert. Where we went, it was wind all 4 days we biked, along with some rain.

With running, you don't just full out run till you die. You jog at the rate you are comfortable with so that you aren't overexerting but still getting the needed cardiovascular workout. And on top of that you wear shoes made for jogging and don't be jogging like you are skipping rope.

What the hell is so wrong with skateboarding? Is it because it's too tomboyish for you? Geeze man. I don't see what's wrong with skateboarding. It's a pastime much like rollerblading. You just need the gear and learn how to do it. Don't just tell me because. Give me a damn reason. And don't tell me it's because it looks bad for the image. (Screw the image, whatever that is)

With snowboarding, it is no more dangerous then skiing, or biking and such. Like with everything you do no matter how 'safe' it is, things can still happen and the only tragedies you notice are those that go out of bounds and stuff. Snowboarding is just a sport and things only go wrong most of times because of stupidity. Accidents happen no matter where you are.

And what the hell is wrong with the way I dress? Just because I don't go out of my way to dress provocatively or like I'm going on a business trip does not make me in need of a change. I am happy with the way I dress and am comfortable with what I wear. I don't need a pound of make-up to feel good about myself. I've had to do that once for grad and to tell you the truth I did not like it. To be honest, I'm just too lazy and the make-up is expensive. I'm not inclined to wear it on a regular basis. If people judge you on the make up and clothing you wear, then what'll happen when you take it off? It's not like I dress like a bum either.

I feel like you're trying to make me into something. Call it hunch but that's the impression I'm getting and I don't like it. Bug off and find someone else to change because all the other people that matter, like me as I am.

5:33 pm