Monday, December 05, 2005

I'm really getting tired of this. Cleaning up after you.

I don't like messes. I mean I can tolerate it to a certain extent but anything biologically related, I can't stand. Especially ones that have the potential to develop into something like Ecoli 0157.

Is it really so hard to ask you to at least wipe up after you spill something on the counter? So that I don't have to try and wipe it up after it's dry? Is it really so hard to ask you to rinse off any excess crud off your dishes with hot water till the water at least runs sort of clean before you leave it in the sink so that the water won't grow mold if it is left there for more then a day? Is it so hard to ask you to stack your dirty dishes in the sink in a chronological order like plates on the bottom and bowls on the top so that it is not tossed haphazardly in the sink, making it look like more dishes then there are? So that it won't fall and break another of my glass cups?

I know I sound picky, whinny and annoying, but it is really bothering me. It is not like I am asking you to wash the toilet with a toothbrush. It's just the little things that help make a difference. If only to make washing the dishes easier so that I don't have to take out the sander in order to remove the dried on food or take out the bio hazardous body suit to move the plates. This is really all I ask of you.

I do the laundry for you, I clean the bathroom, I cook more often then not, I buy 99% of the groceries with my own savings and I take care of all the other little fixings and things when needed. Out of all the things I do, I have to say I hate washing dishes the most, not only because it sucks the life out of my fingers and irritates my organic chemically damaged skin but because when you are in the house, there is also a bacterial culture taking up residence in my sink because people do not rinse.

I sound like I give myself too much credit for everything done here, but this is what I feel. I barely feel a contribution of effort from you in trying to keep things in order. It seems all you care about is your own room and your own space. Well you know, you use more then your room and your desk. Upkeep of the condo is a joint effort and I am not feeling the partnership

I have less money then you right now because of not only the food, but because you've been able to withdraw your school trust fund in your first year, whereas I cannot for some strange reason. I can't be paying for all your things for you. I am jobless. You've been asking more and more and it has all been coming out of my funding. I cannot do anything for myself anymore, cannot get anything for myself anymore because it is all going to the purchase of food and getting you things that you 'need'. I am getting fed up and it has only been about 4 months.

I do not want to ask for money from ma and ba because they do not really have the money to give. Ma does not work and Ba is already supporting us through this condo and our schooling. We are not allowed jobs so everything is basically being paid by them with almost no extra or allowances on the side. Not to mention whatever money we have is basically theirs anyway. Excluding scholarships. But scholarship money can only stretch so far.

Mui, you need to start helping. You are old enough to take care of yourself. Stop leeching on me. You have your own things and your own money. Start using it for your own expenditures at least. Right now I have less then a hundred dollars in my bank account and still you are asking me for more. Soon I will have no more to give. Try to be a little more considerate. Though I am your sister, I can only support you so much before I run out.

I know you are studying and it is hard because it is your first year. I have been there and during my time, I did not have anyone there to help me. No one to cook for me when I came home at 10 o'clock at night from a class, no one to wash my clothes when I was just too tired to do it, no one to help make it easier when I was sick. You are lucky because ba thought you special enough to actually make the effort of buying a place for you to stay instead of making you move various places. Privileged that Ma would stay here for 4 months in order to help you "settle in." Lucky that you have someone to help you with that first year of "independent life". Not to have to be alone when you feel homesick and lonely, something that not even a phone-call home can fix (it makes you feel even more homesick and alone).

Please try to make more of an effort in the condo. I don't want to do it by myself. It is starting to frustrate me. Having to clean up after you. I mean I will continue to do the laundry, clean the bathroom, fix what needs to be fixed, wash the dishes and buy the groceries but I just want you to at least wipe up your spills and messes, rinse your plates, place them nicely in the sink and try using your own money for when you want something frivolous. I'm not asking much. I'm just asking you to do a little of your share. Please.

Because I'm starting to feel used, and I do not like it.

4:42 am