Saturday, January 21, 2006

If miles separate us,
And oceans divide us,
If life severs us,
And destiny moves us,
Please think fondly of me once in a while
For the hardships and the joys we've gone through,
Will never occur again.

9:42 pm

Easy to tell people to look on the bright side when you're not experiencing what they're experiencing at the moment.

Don’t say you understand. You may have an inkling but because every situation and people involved is different, you will never truly understand. Things may be unchangeable in the past but it doesn’t mean that they mean any less, hurt any less. Many things just need time to heal. Give it time.

The things I place on this blog are mainly my negative feelings. I know that I am often harder on myself then I need to be and that sometimes I am self-depreciating but these are usually typed in the moment. With some of the more serious private things I went through I have to honestly say that if I did not look on the bright side of things, I would not be here anymore. I know that there are hardships in life and some things just beat you till you want to take the easier cowardly way out. But the truth is that I'm just stubborn. I can tell you now that I will never give up on life. It is a battle all the way and I will go down fighting till the end. But I thank you for your concern all the same. Even though I know that someone out there cares for me, it's still nice to hear the words, "I'm there for you" once in a while.

Thank you.

7:22 pm