Fruit Trees
Fruit Trees
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Blessings are all around you, if you would only unmask them. Some are just hidden well as misfortune.

You will be all right. The troubles you are going through are momentary lessons and answers to a prayer; a crying baby, to learn patience; a rude passerby, to attain restraint; a sick loved one, to understand empathy and strength; a failure, to gather humility. In the whole scheme of things, you never know what will come out of your troubles. Turn the struggle and the things you've endured into power.

You are stronger than you realize. Loved much more than you know. It is just that not all of those around can find the words to explain.

Cry if you need to, but remember to keep moving forward.

Keep doing things that you know you will get no acknowledgement for. For people and a society grow great when men plant fruit trees knowing that they will never see them bear fruit. You in turn will be making your mark on the world, one little heartbeat at a time.


1:42 am